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Saturday, 20 April 2024 16:30

Missouri AG Issues URGENT Plea To Mayor Regarding Illegal Immigration Featured

Written by RVL
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Image Credit : Photo by John Smith for The Post Millennial

In a sternly worded letter to Kansas City Mayor Quinton Lucas, Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey issued a warning against the introduction of illegal immigrants into the state of Missouri.

The correspondence, addressed to Mayor Lucas, underscored the importance of adhering to the rule of law. Bailey wrote, "We are a nation governed by the rule of law. Yet, under the current Administration in Washington, DC, laws that don't align with a radically progressive agenda are simply ignored. Chief among these are laws that prohibit illegal immigration into our country and into the State of Missouri."

Bailey expressed his concern over the influx of illegal immigrants, which he believes is straining the social safety net of major American cities and contributing to crime rates. He criticized Lucas for his perceived encouragement of this influx, referencing a social media post by the mayor. "Yet, against the backdrop of literally millions of illegal aliens flooding our borders, overwhelming the social safety net of large American cities, and in some cases even committing violent crimes against our citizens, you are actively encouraging them to come to the Show Me State. 'All are welcome in Kansas City. Proud to work with my fellow mayors [from Denver and NYC] as we work to ensure decompression of new arriving communities...' you proclaimed on social media this week," Bailey wrote.


Lucas later clarified his statements, indicating they were intended for those with work permits. However, Bailey dismissed this amendment as "wildly irresponsible," accusing the mayor of encouraging "Missouri businesses to become entangled in a fundamentally unlawful program, and exposing them to legal liability in the process."


The Attorney General also referenced the case of Jose Ibarra, the accused murderer of Laken Riley, who was in possession of a "so-called 'work permit'" to further discourage the mayor from inviting illegal immigrants into the state.

Bailey reminded Lucas of Missouri's stringent laws against hiring illegal immigrants and the class D felony charge for knowingly transporting illegal immigrants into the state. He concluded his letter with a stern warning, stating, "Make no mistake, my office will do everything in its power to take legal action against any person or entity found to be in violation of these statutes."

This article was sourced from RVL1-AM
Read 266 times Last modified on Saturday, 20 April 2024 16:30

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